O echipă de oameni tineri, creativi, talentați, pasionați de marketing online și, mai ales, orientați spre performanță!
"As a graphic designer at a marketing business, I am passionate about creating visually appealing and impactful designs that effectively communicate a message and resonate with the target audience. I am skilled in utilizing design software such as Adobe Creative Suite to create eye-catching graphics for various marketing materials, including social media posts, website banners, advertisements, and promotional materials.
I have a keen eye for layout, typography, and color theory, and I am constantly staying up-to-date on current design trends and techniques to ensure my work is fresh and engaging. I am detail-oriented and always strive for perfection in my designs, ensuring that they are polished and professional.
I understand the importance of collaboration and communication in a marketing environment, and I am able to work closely with the marketing team to bring their vision to life through my designs. I am also open to feedback and revisions, and I am committed to delivering high-quality work that exceeds expectations.
Overall, I am a creative and dedicated graphic designer who is passionate about helping the marketing business achieve its goals through visually appealing and effective designs."
"As the CEO of a marketing business, I am a strategic and visionary leader with a passion for driving results and delivering exceptional value to our clients. I have a strong background in marketing and a deep understanding of consumer behavior and market trends. I am constantly seeking ways to innovate and stay ahead of the competition, and I am committed to fostering a culture of creativity, collaboration, and excellence within our organization. I am dedicated to building strong relationships with our clients and partners and am always looking for new opportunities to grow and expand our business. Overall, I am a dynamic and ambitious leader who is always looking for new ways to drive success and make a positive impact in the world of marketing."
The HR manager at a marketing business is a highly organized and detail-oriented individual who is passionate about fostering a positive work environment. They have a strong understanding of human resources best practices and are skilled at recruiting and retaining top talent.
They are a strong communicator who is able to effectively collaborate with team members at all levels of the organization. They are empathetic and approachable, making them a trusted resource for employees seeking guidance or support.
They are committed to continuous learning and growth, staying up-to-date on industry trends and best practices in order to effectively support the business and its employees. Overall, they are a valuable asset to the company, working tirelessly to ensure that the organization runs smoothly and that all employees feel valued and supported.
Ne-am mutat într-un alt birou, acesta putând să ofere confortul necesar celor peste 25 de membri ai echipei și să arate ca un adevărat sediu de companie. Suntem foarte mândri de felul în care am reușit să creștem și să învățăm împreună.
Echipa noastră de bază trece printr-o serie de schimbări, oameni vin, oameni pleacă, dar, la final, toate acestea nu reprezintă decât oportunități și mai mari pentru noi de a ne transforma în ceea ce am dorit să devenim încă de la început. Acum avem peste 30 de membri în echipă – de la copywriteri și manageri de proiect la consultanți SEO, graficieni și specialiști în relații cu clienții. Divizia noastră de link-building se dezvoltă și ea foarte mult în această perioadă.
Prime Marketing este o agenţie de marketing online full service cu ani de experienţă în domeniu.
Dobos Daniel-Alexandru Persoana Fizica Autorizata
Strada Argentina nr. 25, Sector 1
011753, Bucuresti, Romania
✆ +40 750.466.193
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